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To keep in mind, and like magic, I quit and loved every moment of it. He ohgutt me how to be and think like a non-smoker again (as we all are born). It does feel more natural. The key? Knowing, feeling and believing (which I found out was true) that being and feeling like a non-smoker, is waaaaaaaaaaay better than how I though' smoking made me feel (good). I can't explain any more than that, but it did change my thinking dramatically. He takes the way we all as smokers think' about ourselves and our smoking, and turns quitting into a positive. Not the negative that most smokers who want to quit, think of it as. By the time you're half way through the book, you are joyful at the excitement you have at how great you're going to feel when you quit. And it just continues! AND I DO FEEL GREAT. HE HELPS YOU TO THINK DIFFERENTLY ABOUT QUITTING AND TAKES AWAY THE FEAR. Go ahead, buy it. You will be elated that you did! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews.

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