Aucune recherche réalisée à ce jour n'a fourni de preuve que la cigarette électronique – avec ou sans nicotine – est dangereuse. Pourtant les études s'accumulent.
Des chercheurs japonais ont rapporté dans le Journal of Urban Living and Health Association les résultats de leurs recherches sur les e-cigarettes sans nicotine :
« Après l’expérimentation, aucun changement anormal de la tension artérielle, des données hématologiques ou de la composition sanguine et aucun effet indésirable grave n'ont été observés. »
Kahn et Siegel ont étudié les données existantes sur la sécurité et l’efficacité de la cigarette électronique. Leur rapport indique
« Une prépondérance de preuves montre qu'elle est beaucoup plus sûre que la cigarette traditionnelle et que sa toxicité est comparable aux produits conventionnels de substitution nicotinique. Nous en concluons que les cigarettes électroniques sont extrêmement prometteuses dans la lutte contre les méfaits du tabagisme. »
Vansickel, & al. ayant comparé deux marques de cigarettes électroniques contenant de la nicotine à des cigarettes de tabac et des cigarettes factices conclut :
« Dans ces conditions d’essai de toxicité aigüe, alors que les cigarettes électroniques ont éliminé les symptômes de manque, aucune n'a exposé les vapoteurs à des niveaux mesurables de nicotine ou de monoxyde de carbone. »
État des recherches sur la cigarette électronique
Recherches cliniques
- Bullen C, C, McRobbie H, Thornley S, Glover M, Lin R, Laugesen M. Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e cigarette) on desire to smoke and withdrawal, user preferences and nicotine delivery: randomised cross-over trial. Tob Control. 2010 Apr;19(2):98-103.
- Caponnetto P, Cibella F, Mancuso S, Campagna D, Arcidiacono G, Polosa R. Effect of a nicotine free inhalator as part of a smoking cessation program. Eur Respir J. 2011 May 12.
- Caponnetto P, Polosa R, Auditore R, Russo C, Campagna D. Smoking Cessation with E-Cigarettes in Smokers with a Documented History of Depression and Recurring Relapses. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2011, 2, 281-284.
- Darredeau C, Campbell M, Temporale K, et al. Subjective and reinforcing effects of electronic cigarettes in male and female smokers. 12th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Europe. Bath, UK, 2010.
- Eissenberg T. Electronic nicotine delivery devices: ineffective nicotine delivery and craving suppression after acute administration. Tob Control. 2010 Feb;19(1):87-8.
- Etter JF, Bullen C, Flouris A, Laugesen M, Eissenberg T. Electronic nicotine delivery systems: a research agenda. Tob Control doi:10.1136/tc.2010.042168. Commentary.
- Keller E. Known Fact: Electronic Cigarettes Deliver Nicotine More Slowly. Tob Control. Replies to "Electronic nicotine delivery devices." Published 18 Mar 2010.
- Khan Z, Siegel M. Electronic cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy for tobacco control: A step forward or a repeat of past mistakes? Journal of Public Health Policy advance online publication 9 December 2010; doi: 10.1057/jphp.2010.41.
- Rose JE, Turner JE, Murugesan T, Behm FM. Pulmonary delivery of nicotine pyruvate: sensory and pharmacokinetic characteristics. Poster, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 16th annual conference, Baltimore, 27 February 2010.
- Miura K, Kikukawa Y, Nakao T, Tokai H, Izumi Y, Fujii H, Taisuke Hojo, T. Safety Assessment of Electronic Cigarettes in Smokers. SEIKATSU EISEI (Journal of Urban Living and Health Association). Vol. 55 (2011) , No. 1 p.59-64.
- Vansickel AR, Cobb CO, Weaver MF, Eissenberg TE. A clinical laboratory model for evaluating the acute effects of electronic "cigarettes": nicotine delivery profile and cardiovascular and subjective effects. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010 Aug;19(8):1945-53. Epub 2010 Jul 20.
Études épidémiologiques
- Dockrell M, Indu SD, Lashkari HG, McNeill A. "It sounds like the replacement I need to help me stop smoking": Use and acceptability of "e-cigarettes” among UK smokers. 12th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Europe. Bath, UK, 2010.
- Etter JF, Bullen C. Electronic cigarette : users profile, utilization, satisfaction and perceived efficacy. Addiction 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03505.x. ... x/abstract (accessed June 2011) Full Text:
- Etter JF. Electronic cigarettes: a survey of users. BMC Public Health. 2010; 10: 231.
- Goniewicz ML, Zielinska-Danch W, Koszowski B, Czogala J, Sobczak A. Patterns of use of electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDS) among Polish e-smokers. 12th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Europe. Bath, UK, 2010.
- Heavner K, Dunworth J, Bergen P, Nissen C, Phillips CV. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) as potential tobacco harm reduction products: Results of an online survey of e-cigarette users. Tobacco Harm Reduction 2010: a yearbook of recent research and analysis. A production of
- McQueen A, Tower S, Sumner W. Interviews with "Vapers": Implications for Future Research With Electronic Cigarettes. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2011. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntr088.
- Siegel MB, Tanwar KL, Wood KS. Electronic cigarettes as smoking cessation tool: Results from an Online Survey. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2011 Apr; 40(4):472-5.
Études toxicologiques
- Alliance Technologies. Characerization of Liquid "Smoke Juiceв for Electronic Cigarettes. 15 July 2009.
- Alliance Technologies. Characterization of Regal Cartridges for Electronic Cigarettes. 23 September 2009.
- Alliance Technologies. Characterization of Regal Cartridges for Electronic Cigarettes - Phase II. 12 November, 2009.
- Alliance Technologies. Chemical Composition of "Instead" Electronic Cigarette Smoke Juice and Vapor. 9 December 2009.
- Analyze. Materials Characterization Report-Crown 7 Electronic Cigarette. June 28, 2007.
- Ben Thomas Group, LLC. Study to Determine Presence of TSNAs in NJOY Vapor. December 9, 2009. Report.
- Evans Analytical Group. Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Analysis Report. Job Number C09Y8961. 21 Jul 2009.
- Exponent Health Sciences, Technical Review and Analysis of FDA Report: "Evaluation of e-cigarettes”. July 30, 2009.
- Laugesen M. Safety Report on the Ruyan® e-cigarette Cartridge and Inhaled Aerosol. 10- 30-2008. Christchurch, New Zealand, Health New Zealand Ltd. Ref Type: Report.
- Laugesen M. Second Safety Report on the Ruyan® e-cigarette Cartridge and Inhaled Aerosol. 9 Apr 2008. Christchurch, New Zealand, Health New Zealand Ltd. Ref Type: Report.
- Laugesen M. Comparison of vapor components to cigarette smoke toxicants.
- Laugesen M. Ruyan® E-cigarette Bench-top tests. Poster 5-11, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Dublin, April 30, 2009.
- LPD Laboratory Services, Blackburn MicroTech Solutions Ltd. Analysis of Components from Gamucci Electronic Cigarette Cartridges, Tobacco Flavour Regular Smoking Liquid. Report Number: E98D
- University of Leuven Toxicology Laboratory. "Super Smoker" Expert Report Final Report. 29 June 2007.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Final Report "Evaluation of e-cigarettes".
[Cette étude, largement médiatisée, est criblée de biais. Voici par ex. une critique de l'American Council on Science and Health :
« A study released by the FDA in 2009 stated that its laboratory tests of e-cigarettes “indicated that these products contained detectable levels of known carcinogens.” However, this study was flawed and not an accurate indicator of the safety of e-cigarettes.
« The FDA examined only a small sample size of e-cigarette cartridges and did not conduct the testing in a systematic and scientific manner: All in all, the agency ended up testing only ten e-cigarette cartridges from only two different manufacturers. It would be difficult to conclude anything from such a tiny sampling of products.
« To further complicate matters, the FDA tested ecigarettes for carcinogens called tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNAs), but they did not report the levels they detected. Instead, the agency merely reported that TSNAs were either “detected” or “not detected,” which is uninformative. Many tobacco products, including smoking cessation aids such as nicotine medications, have TSNA levels in the single-digit parts per million range — a level at which there is no scientific evidence that they are harmful. What’s more, the FDA tested for TSNAs using a method that detects TSNAs at about one million times lower concentrations than are conceivably related to human health.
« In sum, the FDA tested e-cigarettes for TSNAs using a questionable sampling regimen and using methods that were so sensitive that the results are highly unlikely to have any possible significance to users. Thus far, laboratory analysis suggests that e-cigarettes do not contain harmful levels of carcinogens. A much more comprehensive study, employing much more precise methods than those used by the FDA, would go a long way toward clarifying the relative safety of e-cigarettes. »
Source : Helping Smokers Quit (pdf), American Council on Science and Health —December 2011, pp. 12-13]
Essais cliniques en cours (en 2011)
Smoking Cessation and Reduction With an Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device (ENDD)
Conditions: Healthy Smokers; Smoking Cessation
Intervention: E-Cigarette with 7.2 mg nicotine cartridges
Efficacy and Safety of an Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device (E-Cigarette)
Conditions: Healthy Smokers; Smoking Cessation
Intervention: E-Cigarette with 7.2 mg nicotine cartridges
Efficacy and Safety of an Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device (E-Cigarette) Without Nicotine Cartridges
Conditions: Healthy Smokers; Smoking Cessation
Intervention: E-Cigarette without nicotine cartridges
A Structured Protocol to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of a Popular Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device (E-Cigarette)
Conditions: Healthy Smokers; Smoking Cessation
Intervention: E- Cigarette with high and low nicotine
Sensorimotor Replacement With Electronic and De-nicotinised Cigarettes
Condition: Nicotine Withdrawal
Interventions: Behavioral: Stress Ball vs Nicotine-free E-Cigarette; Behavioral: Nicotine-free E-Cigarette vs De-nicotinised Cigarette
Voir aussi
Source : Electronic Cigarette Research Update, CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association), 23.08.2011
Compléments 2012
Ces références sont complétées par la revue de Caponnetto & al.,
The emerging phenomenon of electronic cigarettes
Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, February 2012, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 63-74, doi:10.1586/ers.11.92
avec notamment les compléments suivants :
- Polosa R, Benowitz NL. Treatment of nicotine addiction: present therapeutic options and pipeline developments. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 32(5), 281–289 (2011).
- Caponnetto P, Polosa R, Russo C, Leotta C, Campagna D. Successful smoking cessation with electronic cigarettes in smokers with a documented history of recurring relapses: a case series. BMC J. Med. Case Reports 5(1), 585 (2011).
- Polosa R, Caponnetto P, Morjaria JB, Papale G, Campagna D, Russo C. Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e-cigarette) on smoking cessation and reduction: a prospective pilot study. BMC Public Health 11, 786 (2011).
Compléments 2012 (maj 09.10.2012)
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