L'association européenne de pneumologie (European Respiratory Society, ERS) dont Mme Gratziou dirige de comité de lutte contre le tabagime est sponsorisée par :
Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals
Boehringer Ingelheim
Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA
Eli Lilly & Company
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals *
Grifols (formerly Talecris Biotherapeutics GmbH)
Novartis Pharma AG *
OM Pharma SA
Pfizer Ltd *
United Therapeutics Europe LTD
propose des aides médica-menteuses au sevrage tabagique. Ceci suffit à
expliquer la position de l'ERS concernant un produit leur faisant
La communication hautement médiatisée de Mme Gratziou lors du dernier congrès de ces spécialistes relève selon certains de la pure patascience et de la propagande.
Christina Gratziou : E-cigarette is bad for health. ERS Congress, Vienna, september 2012.
“We do not yet know whether unapproved nicotine delivery products, such as e-cigarettes, are safer than normal cigarettes, despite marketing claims that they are less harmful. This research helps us to understand how these products could be potentially harmful.”
“E-cigarette causes problem in the respiratory system. It increases symptoms like cough and sore throat. It increases the heart rate and airways resistance for the lung. So we don't suggest anybody to take and use e-cigarette as an alternative tool for smoking. There are other tools for smoking cessation problems that we can follow and successful attemps.”
"Why do you think the e-cigarette is very successful ?"
“It is marketed because it is another alternative for tobacco products. It has good marketing support.”
Lassé de tant d'ignominie, nous vous laissons le soin de prendre connaissance des analyses et des commentaires qui suivent.
Virage à 180° de Doctissimo, à vos claviers
forum-ecigarette.com, 02.09.2012
On va tous mourir vivants
ma-cigarette.fr, 06.09.2012
Alzheimer et tranquillisants, un lien de causalité inventé par les journalistes
Atoute.org, 06.10.2011
L’information fiable doit désormais être recherchée ailleurs que dans la presse traditionnelle
"Experts" from University of Athens Tell the Public They Are Not Sure if
Smoking is Any More Hazardous than Vaping, Despite Lack of
Demonstration of Clinically Significant Effects on Airways and
Improvement in Respiratory Symptoms in Many Vapers
Michael Siegel, 05.09.2012
rest of the story is that the media has misrepresented the study
findings, due in part to misrepresentation of the study findings by the
authors themselves.
Even worse, the press release disseminates a
completely unsupported conclusion that runs contrary to all existing
scientific evidence and which - if made by a tobacco company - would be
considered fraudulent.
Finally, all of this misrepresentation and
deception occurs in the existence of a severe financial conflict of
interest which was hidden from the media and the public."
Lies, Damned Lies, and ‘Science’ by Press Release: Mail Online reports “Electronic cigarettes ‘could damage your lungs’ as they cause less oxygen to be absorbed by the blood”
Katherine Devlin, ECITA, 06.09.2012
Christina Gratziou is a liar, The biomarkers lie, Gratziou ERS press release – where is the science?
Anti-THR Lie of the Day, Carl V Phillips (@carlvphillips) #antiTHRlies
Some clues about when you are being lied to by an activist pretending to be a researcher :
"To summarize, we do not merely have a case where the authors made dramatic claims that were not supported by the reported results. Rather, we basically have no results, since they are meaningless as presented and highly suspect also. The only thing that we know for sure is that the methodology was never designed to produce useful information, or at least not useful at more than the pilot “let’s see if we can even do these lab measurements before designing some useful research that uses them” level. This means that the most fundamental lie in all of this is not the bald political assertions about there being “harm” or that you might as well smoke which were not supported by the science; rather, it is the implicit claim that any science at all was being reported."