En 2003, la Commission Européenne de Bruxelles mandatait la coalition Réseau Européen de Prévention du Tabagisme (ENSP) de rédiger un rapport sur le tabac oral suédois Snus interdit de vente ailleurs dans l'Union Européenne depuis 1992. Celle-ci confiait à son tour le dossier à une organisation de recherche hollandaise, qui concluait en demandant la levée de l’interdiction de la vente de ce produit : “Lift the ban on oral tobacco”.
Ceci n’eut pas l’heur de plaire à l’ENSP qui passa le rapport au Kärcher pour aboutir au rapport Status report on oral tobacco à la conclusion inverse : le Snus doit rester proscrit, quand bien même il protège des risques du tabagisme. Combien de temps va durer le massacre demandions nous dans notre article Lever l'interdiction du Snus : un défi démocratique aux lobbys de Bruxelles. Car cette décision a certainement entrainé des millions de morts anticipées de fumeurs dépendants [1].
Clive Bates, dont nous avons déjà mentionné les efforts [2] raconte les détails de cette falsification scientifique dans un nouvel article. Imaginons avec lui ce qui se serait passé si c’étaient des scientifiques stipendiés par Big Tobacco qui étaient à la manoeuvre. Non, les falsificateurs roulent pour Big Pharma, vous savez cette petite industrie qui donne des leçons d’éthique à tout le monde et vend une nicotine plus propre que propre. La Commission, qui prépare une révision de la Directive sur le Tabac sous l'autorité de John Dalli, serait inspirée de ne pas recommencer à dissoudre les options de réduction du risque du tabagisme dans l'industrie du médicament.
Pardon, c’est en anglais. N’hésitez pas à utiliser les outils de traduction automatique si besoin.
Tipp-Ex away the truth about safer alternatives to smoking
Campaigning by so-called health groups to ban much less hazardous alternatives to smoking is dangerous, unethical, lazy with facts and utterly without regard for the people they are supposedly trying to help – see my detailed post Death by regulation.
But they go to a whole new level of awfulness – evil maybe – when it is done with deliberate deception and falsification. When that happens, it becomes something much darker – in fact as bad, and as deadly, as the worst excesses of tobacco industry PR. And that is what happened – they used Tipp-Ex [Whiteout] to erase inconvenient truths in a report intended to inform science based policy on alternatives to smoking.
It is with real dismay that we have to confront the deliberate falsification of a scientific assessment of smokeless tobacco by a European ‘health’ group, the European Network on Smoking Prevention, as it was known at the time. The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet takes up the story… (in translation below assisted by Google Chrome).
AFTONBLADET , 16 September 2012, Oskar Forsberg HOW THEY COVERED UP THE SNUS REPORT EU research didn’t suit tobacco opponents – so they resorted to Tipp-ex. Facts Sales of snus have been banned in the EU since 1992. When Sweden entered the EU it got a permanent exemption from the ban on the grounds that it would not sell snus to other EU countries. Falsified results Anti-snus lobbyists
The EU Commission is threatening to ban Swedish snus. But Aftonbladet can reveal that a large part of the EU’s knowledge base is built upon a biased, censored report. They went so far as to Tipp-ex sections of the report, said a source with deep insight. In 2003 the European Network for Smoking Prevention, ENSP, was asked by the EU Commission to write a report about Swedish snus. The job was contracted out to Dutch consulting company Research voor Beleid. In their report, “Lift the ban on oral tobacco,” the Dutch concluded that the snus ban ought to be lifted across the EU. But when ENSP received the document, the contents of which contradicted its own convictions in the matter, the group decided to re-write the report. What they presented instead was a completely different conclusion: that snus is dangerous and causes cancer in the oral cavity. Widespread censorship The new report was called “Status report on oral tobacco.” Aftonbladet has had access to both documents. Several sections have been deleted from the original report. Among them is the statement that the criticisms one can level against Swedish snus can also equally be leveled against nicotine replacement therapy products. But the censorship would prove even more widespread than that. After the final report had been “washed” and re-printed, the anti-snus lobbyists at ENSP found further “faults.” They forgot, however, to delete one half-sentence. They didn’t manage to reprint the edited text before it had to be officially presented. So, at the last minute, they painted Tipp-ex across the remaining positive statement about snus, said Aftonbladet’s source. If one holds up the document to a source of light, it’s easy to read the original line:
After being painted with Tipp-ex, the sentence reads:
Only a few copies left Following the publication, the text was reprinted one more time. The Tipp-ex version that was presented at the 2004 publication is therefore available only in a few copies today. “One may not flank” The report offers thanks to many Swedes, among them Hans Giljam, snus critic at the Karolinska Institute and simultaneously advisor to pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, the maker of anti-nicotine medication Champix, a connection which Aftonbladet has previously reported about.
Is it usual to change scientific texts in EU reports?
Paul Nordgren from think-tank Tobaksfakta, which is financed by the Swedish National Institute of Public Health (FHI), had also written a section in the report. He was also thanked by ENSP, but could not be reached for comment. |
I’m disgusted with these people. While you consider what has happened here, just imagine the tsunami of righteous outrage there would be if a tobacco company or those of us who support the widespread introduction of much less hazardous alternative to smoking had done similar. Here’s what should happen,
- The report should be withdrawn
- ENSP should be declared ineligible to receive any public funds, including and especially from the European Union
- Someone, somewhere should take responsibility and apologise
- A lot of people who believe they are health advocates, and are paid as such, are nothing of the sort – they ought to be examining their consciences and looking again at the evidence with some humility
Whilst the falsification is absolutely disgraceful, I doubt there was ever any intention to have an objective assessment of the science as it would have given the European Commission an unwanted rationale for reversing their utterly counter-productive ban on oral tobacco. More likely is that they were looking for reasons to prove they had been right all along. That’s why they chose ENSP to do the work in the first place – a group with a blindly hysterical hostility to harm reduction approaches. To make the point they’ve now changed their name to the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention.
By the way, you can read more on this sort of mendacity about snus in the excellent book, The art of suppression: pleasure panic and prohibition since 1800 by Chris Snowdon.
Clive Bates, 19.09.2012
- Cf. par exemple, cette étude australienne montrant que l'espérance de vie d'un fumeur passant au Snus est quasiment identique (quelques mois de différence) à celle suivant un arrêt complet du tabagisme : Assessment of Swedish snus for tobacco harm reduction: an epidemiological modelling study, Lancet (2007) doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60677-1
- Mort sur directive européenne (Clive Bates), au sujet de Death by regulation: the EU ban on low-risk oral tobacco
A lire sur le même sujet
- Snus l’alternative économique aux substituts nicotiniques
- Réduction du risque (Robert MOLIMARD)
- La compétence en tabacologie est-elle soluble dans l'industrie pharmaceutique (Anne Borgne, France Inter) ?
- La compétence en tabacologie est-elle soluble dans l'industrie pharmaceutique (Christina Gratziou, ERS) ?
Le Réseau Européen de Prévention du Tabagisme (European Network for Smoking Prevention ENSP) regroupe en France :
Alliance contre le Tabac http://www.alliancecontreletabac.fr Alliance contre le Tabac en Ile de France http://www.festif.org Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris Association de Recherche de Tabacologie Association des Acteurs Lorrains en Tabacologie Association Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Tabagisme en Basse-Normandie Association Périnatalité Prévention Recherche Information http://www.appri.asso.fr Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer http://www.arc.asso.fr">www.arc.asso.fr Capitole Stop Tabac Comité d'Education Sanitaire et Sociale de la Pharmacie Française http://www.ordre.pharmacien.fr Comité National contre le Tabagisme http://www.cnct.org Comité National contre les Maladies Respiratoires http://www.lesouffle.org Coordination de Lutte Anti-Tabac Azur Méditerranée Espace de Concertation et de Liaison Addictions Tabagisme http://www.eclat5962.org> Fédération Française de Cardiologie http://www.fedecardio.com/ Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte contre le Cancer http://www.fnclcc.fr/ France Réseau des Acteurs en Tabacologie Ligériens http://www.tabacofractal.com/ Institut National de Prévention et d'Education pour la Santé http://www.inpes.sante.fr/ Les Droits des Non-Fumeurs http://www.dnf.asso.fr/ Ligue National contre le Cancer http://www.ligue-cancer.net Mieux Vivre sans Tabac Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers http://www.mnh.fr Office Français de Prévention du Tabagisme http://www.oft-asso.fr Réseau Hôpital sans Tabac http://www.hopitalsanstabac.org Société Française de Tabacologie http://www.societe-francaise-de-tabacologie.com Tabac et Liberté http://www.tabac-liberte.com |
Ces organisations sont représentées par :
Bertrand Dautzenberg
Office français de prévention du tabagisme
66 Bd Saint Michel
F-75006 Paris
Tel.: +33 1 43251965
Fax: +33 1 43251827
[email protected]
Yves Martinet
Service de Pneumologie
Hôpital de Brabois
CHU de Nancy
F-54511 Nancy Cedex
Tel.: +33 3 83153580
Fax: +33 3 83153541
[email protected]
Source http://www.ensp.org/