Le Commissaire européen en charge de la Santé (DG Sanco), John Dalli, démissionne à effet immédiat suite à une suspicion de corruption liée à la révision de la directive européenne sur le tabac.
Voir le communiqué en anglais daté du 16.10.2012 : Press statement on behalf of the European Commission
[Mise à jour 17.10.2012]
New Europe publie les détails de la démission forcée de Dalli :
- A timeline: John Dalli OLAF investigation, New Europe, 17.10.2012
Et voici le communiqué de John Dalli :
This afternoon I was informed verbally by the President of the Commission of the conclusion of an OLAF [Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude] investigation about an alleged attempt to influence my decisions in respect of the ongoing review of the Tobacco Directive.
Even though the OLAF report states that there is no evidence of my direct participation in these events and that the decision making process of the Commission Services had not been influenced in any way, OLAF concluded that I was aware of these events basing themselves only on circumstantial evidence.
I deny categorically that I was in any way aware of any of these events.
I am taking all action open to me to ensure that these unfounded conclusions will be proved completely false.
I will continue to work so that all efforts made by myself and my services to revise the Tobacco Directive will proceed as planned.